
10 things to do before I'm 40

As I mentioned in the last post, I just turned 30. A day before my birthday, one of my friends asked if I'd completed my list of 10 things to do before I'm 30. Since I hadn't made such a list, my answer was no. So I decided to make a list to do before I'm 40! I've got a whole decade to accomplish these in, so I hope I'll make it!

  1. Rent a house / apartment for a month in Italy or Spain, and spend it exploring the country and writing
  2. Visit Venice
  3. Visit Egypt
  4. Visit Paris in the spring time
  5. Visit Jane Austen's home and spend time in the UK visiting the scenery where Pride And Prejudice (1995) was filmed
  6. Write a book, that is both funny and meaningful, light and deep at the same time.
  7. Get a publisher interested in said book I've written
  8. Write a script for a full length movie
  9. Get paid to do more than answering phones
  10. Fall in love

So there are the things I wish to do before I'm 40. For most part I think it's rather doable, but for the last point. And this is due to the fact that I've never been in love. Therefore it seems to me the one that might not be accomplished... But, time will tell! :o)

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